Saturday, October 31, 2015

3 New List Building Apps You Need To Check Out Now

Email marketing is a vital tool for increasing engagement and overall blog growth. No serious blogger will tell you that “email is dead” because ESP (email service providers) are coming up with new and creative ways to keep subscription counts high. There was a time that obtaining subscribers became more difficult and much of it had to do with the stigma surrounding email marketing. Spammers found creative ways to obtain email addresses and then started to bombard email accounts with junk. However, the value of a healthy, engaged email list should be obvious by now. Email marketing tied in with social media is a definite recipe for success. However, ESP’s are not just stopping there because they want to ensure that you utilize your list to the fullest. What’s the solution?

To start partnering with email marketing companies to design tools to help you grow your email list. I use for all my email marketing and recently came across some awesome tools they’ve added. Here are “3” list building you can start utilizing immediately.

1. Justuno

Great for those who are marketers, publishers, or have an ecommerce website, is an awesome tool to increase your social audience and grow email opt-ins. For you to increase overall engagement on your website, it’s important you attract the right type of people to sign up. Higher quality leads mean you’ll be able to bring visitors back your website several times and increase interaction with your page. utilizes the power of promo codes in email forms to convert visitors. Next,

It works like a social currency, allowing you to exchange codes and other incentives that visitors find attractive for likes, shares, and email opt-ins. Having an incentive that’s attractive will ensure you actually get a genuine option and visitors must confirm before redeeming the promo code. Ecommerce websites personally have the highest leverage as they can add discount buttons right next to their product or even on your social profiles.

Here are some other cool features:

  • Fully customizable promotional tabs and pop ups
  • Visitor segmentation and behavioral targeting
  • Helpful and reliable customer support

2.  MailMunch

Many times, you’re looking for a quick way to split test forms and don’t have time to design, code, and tweak things around. offers an all-in-one solution that will turn your visitors into loyal followers. It’s an awesome tool mainly because it’s so easy to use and provides you with a complete testing environment in the backend. It can easily be used to create beautiful forms for split testing and offers a plug-in for WordPress users.

Key features of MailMunch include:

  • Mobile Optimized Forms: All forms are optimized to be viewed without error on mobile forms. This makes it easy for mobile users to opt-in.
  • Analytics: Find out what pages, posts, and forms are bringing you the most conversions
  • Page Level Targeting: Target specific pages with relevant opt-in forms. Create forms for only specific pages and find out how well they convert
  • A/B Testing: Eliminate the guesswork and adapt your forms to keep improving opt-ins.
  • Entry/Exit Technology: Set specific rules for when the opt-in appears.

3.  Coupon Pop by StoreYa

Awesome email marketing application for those websites with looking to utilize promo codes to grow subscriptions. This application works just like an email popup form, but uses promo codes instead. The concept is very simple as Coupon Pop requires visitors to enter their email before receiving their discount coupon. This is a more in your face approach to email marketing correlated with discount coupons. Usually, you would see a discount button, however, with this awesome application, it’s a popup coupon form right on the product page.

Coupon Pop’s features include:

  • Get customers to visit more pages, and boost your sales. Statistics have proven that discount coupons work to convert visitors. They offer people a savings in sometimes hard economic times.
  • Very easy to customize as there is no design or coding skills needed.
  • Offer rewards to fans and followers.


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