Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How To Write High Quality Content That People Want To Link To

I read this in a magazine I was reading and it was mentioned by when I asked him this question for an expert post I was writing a few months back. This statement is very true and if you want enormous targeted traffic sent to your website, it’s all about writing the best content ever. This means creating content that solves a common problem and is in-depth, providing a complete solution. People love this type of content, and it increases the chance of someone linking back to it as an additional resource for other content online. However, you have to follow the fundamentals of writing “high” value content. Everyone writes content, but to write the best, you have to follow this pattern, which I’ll outline below.
Let’s get started…

Finding Your Topic

It’s much easier to write content when you know what people are looking for online so it’s important to conduct extensive research before starting. Just like boxers say, “Training is the hard part and fighting is the easy”, writing content follows the same statement, however, it’s the research that is the tough part and writing that is easy. The good news is you have tools available that streamline the research part. For example, start by using Google Keyword Planner, finding “phrases” that people are typing. Next, you can use Google Trends to analyze what types of topics are trending and then digging deeper into each until you find something common. Next,
Use to find bestsellers within books and then skimming through the table of contents, gathering ideas for your content. However, here is the best tool…, where you simply type in a keyword related to the niche and it’ll generated a list of posts that have been shared thousands of times online. Look for question based posts and create something better because you already know it’ll be popular just from the amount of shares previously related content has received.
Remember the following things when choosing your topic…
  • Make sure it’s relevant
  • Make sure it’s popular by using tools like
  • Spend time researching, looking for angles not covered by anyone else
  • Ask for feedback from your readers, friends, or network of follow bloggers

The Writing Process

On my personal blog, I’ve written extensively on how to write epic content in under 60 minutes and I’ll quickly go through the important points here. Once you have decided on your topic, then writing content is not difficult as long as you have the following in order…
Your Tools Ready –
When you sit down, you need to ensure you have all the tools in the right place because it will help you streamline the writing process. For example, when I sit down, I have my outline ready, my images formatted correctly, and even my word processor open. Next,
This factor applies to your work environment, meaning you should be comfortable and ready to work. I work from a home office, however, many of you get your best work done in a library, work office, coffee shop, etc.
Outline Ready –
In the section above, you did your research and gathered ideas for your topic idea. From your topic idea, you should be able to gather enough data to know what type of content you’ll be writing. For example, you should know if it’s going to be a list post, tutorial, controversial, press release, etc. It’s time for you to create an outline using this format.
  • Introduction (#words)
  • Subheadings
  • Body (#words)
  • Conclusion (#words)
Stay Focused –
When writing your content, it’s important to stay on track and this can be achieved by simply focusing on the task at hand. As you begin to write your ideas down, you’re going to generate momentum that can push you away from the initial focus on your content. This is why it’s a good idea to stop and move away from your work every 20 minutes and think about the content your writing. Ask yourself these questions…
  • Am I making sense?
  • Am I writing on my topic?
  • Am I sticking to my outline?
  • Should I do anything else to make sense?
Answering these questions and then hoping back onto your computer will keep you on the right track and focused throughout your content writing.

The Outreach

Once you’ve completed your content, it’s time to publish and promote. You have several options from paid, networking, social, etc. However, I recommend to network with influential people, letting them know about your premium content. Why? Simple.
Influential bloggers are established and have huge social followers who create generate enormous buzz to your content. If you can get your content in front of thousands of people, you’ve increase the chances of someone building a link back to it. Influential bloggers have powerful blogs, so send a link to your content to them, with the hope that they’ll read it, provide feedback, and even link to it if it meets a criteria as an additional resource for content they’ve written.
In short, you can do the following to promote your content for your outreach…
  • Paid marketing
  • Social media outreach
  • Email influential bloggers
  • Send to your followers and email subscribers
  • General organic SEO

1 comment:

  1. Its as if you had a great grasp on the subject matter, but you forgot to include your readers. Perhaps you should think about this from more than one angle. Achtformpool
